Friday, March 20, 2009

Vladimir Putin Warns Obama of the Dangers of Socialism

I have wanted to post this for a while but I have had other things to get out there. If there is a national shame this is it; Obama is warned about the dangers of socialism by, of all people, Vladimir Putin.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said the US should take a lesson from the pages of Russian history and not exercise “excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state’s omnipotence”.

“In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute,” Putin said during a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated.”

Although, we can’t expect the former communist and head of the KGB Vladimir Putin to get everything right when it come to how capitalism works he certainly comes to the table with a wealth of knowledge on the failures of socialism. At the very least his warnings should be taken seriously.

And how quickly the national memory forgets the disastrous polices of the FDR’s administration and Keynesian economics—here we go again. Obama has picked up the torch of LBJ’s great society which picked up where FDR left off, which states government always knows best.

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