Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Dishonesty of the Anti-Gun Crowd

The arguments of the anti-gun crowd are based in emotionalism and histrionics and the fact that some folks actually exercise self-responsibility is somehow stifling to their soul. Trying to engage the anti-gunner in reasoned discourse just isn’t possible since they tend to be pragmatists.

During the debates on the Clinton gun ban the anti-gun crowd’s arguments were laden with rhetoric, emotionalism, and hysteronics, not facts. What facts they had were all nuanced, or quite frankly made up. What really pissed me off was when the Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, refused to bang the gavel when time ran out. At this point the ban had been defeated by three votes. Although time had run out the anti-gunners in congress managed to sway a few more votes in their favor and Tom Foley quickly banged the gavel before the pro-gun crowed could talk them out of changing their votes. The ban passed and the rest is history.

To showcase this dishonesty here is Dennis Henigan the legal director for Brady Campaign omitting “Of the People” when quoting the second Amendment.

The above video might be argued as an unintentional omission until you see this one and realize he has a pattern of lying:

Dennis Henigan Misquotes the 2nd Amendment - Click here for more amazing videos

Two Supreme Court Justices had this to say:

In 1833 Justice Joseph Story wrote in his Commentaries on the Constitution that the right to keep and bear arms provided a “strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers”. Chief Justice Roger Taney in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) listed the right to own and carry arms as one of the rights of citizenship.

In this Gallup poll shows Americans overwhelmingly agree that the 2nd Amendment protects the gun rights of individuals.


John Lofton, Recovering Republican said...

Hope you'll listen to my interview of Dennis Henigan here:

I think he has undoubtedly set a new Guinness World Indoor Record for saying the most idiotic, unConstitutional things on a one-hour radio show, mine. In fact, I think he has retired the title. Comments welcome.

John Lofton, Editor
Communications Director, Institute on the Constitution
Recovering Republican

Freedom’s Forge said...

Thanks, John.