Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Combating Tyranny

Gene Palmisano, writes in a recent post “Waiting for the Renaissance” that if Americans truly wanted to fight tyranny “a tax revolt would suffice.”

“I always assumed if Americans wanted to fight government tyranny, a tax revolt would suffice, but the tax structure in this country is so pervasive, so enmeshed into the fabric of our everyday lives it’s inescapable. If this recession has taught us anything, we the consumers are the ones with purchasing power, we determine which markets survive and which die, we determine the destiny of our economy.

If we are to demand political reform in Washington, we need to flex our fiscal muscles and restrain from buying durable goods; after all, why should we bolster the economy with our buying power, when the government shows such lack of moral restraint in fiscal policy. I say we strike this economy. Crash the markets if need be; whatever it takes to twist the strong arm of government.”

I couldn’t agree more. In fact, I have had several conversations with folks about the power of the consumer. Remember, gas prices came down mostly because consumers changed their driving habits. If enough people dislike the business practice of some corporation, Wal-Mart for example, they could change the way Wal-Mart does business—even put them out of business—simply by spending their money somewhere else. Wal-Mart would then face a choice; change their business practices or go out of business.

In a free-market society the consumer controls their own destiny, and they don’t need government regulation to do it. When it comes to combating tyranny the same principles apply. Society could effectually overthrow the usurpers of power, those who pervert the principles of Republican government, simply through economic means.

Check out Gene's Blog at, “The Metaphysical Lunch

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