Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Enemy Within Part Three: Apathy

Are American’s tiring of the fight for freedom? Is freedom in America dying by suicide?

When the government takes someone’s personal property and gives it to someone else just because they want it or need it is a violation of protected private property rights.

As the government moves to solidify the institutionalization of violating private property rights, many cheer, some complain, and others bury their heads in the sand, ignoring the real consequences of this nationalized behavior. My question is, where is the out cry, where are the protesters and demonstrations, where are the phone calls and emails telling government Americans won’t stand for it? Where are the voters when it comes to firing the bad guys involved in the plunder? Instead, far to many people just accept it and mumble under their breath about having to subsidize everything under the sun from treating crack heads in Chicago’s South Side, to tattoo removal for gang bangers in South Central LA, and even women’s reproductive care in Mexico City.

Why is it so destructive for the government to confiscate wealth and redistribute it anyway? Every democracy throughout history has failed because sooner or later the majority figures out they can vote themselves the property of the minority which in every case lead to socialism—in one form or another—which intern leads to a totalitarian style government sometime in the near future.

The founders of this great nation went to war against the government over “excess taxation.” Today the government has found away around the “excessive taxation” problem with the “progressive tax” code (and taxing everything including double taxation on investments and retirement funds). This is the implementation of, "We've got to make sure that people who have more money help the people who have less money."—Barrack Obama.

The progressive tax is where a minority of tax payers are forced to pay the majority of the tax burden. The fact is, the top 1% of earners pays more “income tax” than the bottom 90% put together. So, the minority—the highest income earners—In this country pay excessive tax rates (which even Whoopi Goldberg rails against) while the majority pay far less or none at all. Since the minority has little to no voice in a democracy they have little recourse other than to stop producing or shut up and pay the taxes.

Do the rich have any less right to their property than the poor or middle class? Do the weak have fewer rights than the strong? Or does every individual, rich or poor, strong or weak have the same equal rights under the law? The last I checked they did.

The altruists in society have convinced Americans that they are all victims of the arrogant and selfish rich and therefore the rich do not deserve their rights. What’s missing from this philosophy is the truth, which is, the constitution protects everyone’s individual rights not just the majority of people.

The progressives in society have put the rights of victim-hood ahead of those who succeed punishing initiative, creativity, and productivity, while rewarding idleness and fruitfulness. Today’s progressive society is a tribute to dysfunction. In America, if you can’t afford your home because you’ve mortgaged a lifestyle you can’t afford, the burden will be transferred to the guy working two jobs to support his family and trying to get ahead in life.

Throughout American history getting something for nothing has been a foreign concept in the national psyche but today it is not only common place but expected.

Those who would give up their dignity for a little security and a guaranteed piece of the American dream fail to realize they are giving up their personal sovereignty at the same time. Some people would rather give up their personal responsibilities and let the state take responsibility for making decision for them. This is cowardice and cowards don’t want to think or act for themselves. They want freedom from freedom in the same way a child wants mom and dad to tell him what to do. Instead of accepting the inherent risks of freedom they want freedom from failure. They prefer guaranteed prosperity to the challenges of life.

Freedom isn’t free; it wasn’t passed to us in our DNA and we will not pass it to our children in their DNA. Freedom is a ceaseless battle that every freedom loving American is responsible for waging. Freedom does not come without effort; it takes courage and vigilance, initiative and motivation, determination and education, and it takes work ethic. It takes the desire to better oneself and one’s position in life. What the fight for freedom really boils down to is the relentless pursuit of self-reliance.

Someone who is self-reliant says I don’t need the nanny state. I can take care of my self and my own. This of course is a slap in the face to the cowardly altruist who wants someone else, someone perhaps smarter than he, to make decisions for him. The altruist doesn’t want freedom. Quite to the contrary, he is afraid of freedom and he does not trust other’s to make choices for themselves and wants government to decide for them.

As long as people are willing to let the government make decisions on their behalf or violate the rights of others, freedom cannot thrive for long. What is needed is for Americans to stand up overwhelmingly for truth and freedom and let their representatives in government know they won’t tolerate the violation of individual rights. However this is not the trait of “apathy”.

The apathetic, like an ostrich, bury their head in the sand and ignore and evade the discussion altogether and by default support the philosophies and polices that are eroding the real rights of individuals in this country.

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