Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The New American Dictatorship

When the president of the United States can fire a CEO of a non-government enterprise it is dictatorship. When a president can by the power of whim abuse the sanctity of contract law it is not only a shameful act it is an act of a dictator. When a President can exercise omnipotent power over private contracts and independent financial institutions it is dictatorship.

At the end of the video, Mr. Kudlow asks Donald Luskin a very interesting question in which I personally find the answer very profound. Here is the exchange in case you’ve forgotten or missed it.

Kudrow: “The rule of law we have contract rights. Doesn’t that amount to anything, isn’t there a value to preserving that…”

Donald Luskin: “You cannot run an economy unless property rights are well established and well represented and well agreed on. It is a formula for the road to serfdom.”

What we are experiencing here folks is government openly exercising omnipotence over the economy and industry.

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