Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama’s Apology Tour

DOROTHY RABINOWITZ describes in her opinion article in the WSJ, "Obama Blames America" every sentiment I have felt about Obama's apperent guilt over America's greatness, namely betrayal. As an American and veteran I am deeply saddned by the lefts guilt and shame of America when all I have ever felt is pride. The values that made America great; economic and political freedom, and miltary might--it was our constituion, the power of the free markets, and the deterrent that the capability to defeat any enamy who would otherwise do us harm that made us the freest, wealthiest, and most powerful nation on earth. Now, every one of those tenants are under full-blown assault by Obama and the left.


“The president of the United States has completed another outing abroad in his now standard form: as the un-Bush. At one stop after another -- the latest in Latin America, where Hugo Chávez expressed wishes to be his friend -- Barack Obama fulfilled his campaign vows to show the nations of the world that a new American leadership stood ready to atone for the transgressions of the old.”

In one speech Obama apologized for American arrogance. Speaking in France he says, “In America there is a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading roll in the world. Instead of celebrating Europe’s dynamic Union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges there have been times when America showed arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”

In other words we should be celebrating anti-Americanism, socialism, high taxes, weak militaries, and those who’ve surrendered there sovereignty and along with it many of their freedoms to the European Union? Who was it that came to their rescue in WW1 and WW2, and maintains military capabilities to defend Europe from Soviet and Iranian aggression? Yes, we should apologize and seek to be more like them...Lambs.

That no such estimation of the United States managed to infiltrate the content or tone of the president's remarks during his European tour -- nary a hint -- we know, and it is not surprising. He had gone to Europe not as the voice of his nation, but as a missionary with a message of atonement for its errors. Which were, as he perceived them -- arrogance, dismissiveness, Guantanamo, deficiencies in its attitudes toward the Muslim world, and the presidency of Harry Truman and his decision to drop the atomic bomb, which ended World War II.

No sitting American president had ever delivered indictments of this kind while abroad, or for that matter at home, or been so ostentatiously modest about the character and accomplishment of the nation he led. He was mediator, an agent of change, a judge, apportioning blame -- and he was above the battle.

None of this display during Mr. Obama's recent travels could have come as a surprise to legions of his supporters, nor would many of them be daunted by their new president's preoccupation with our moral failures. Five decades of teaching in colleges and universities across the land, portraying the U.S. as a power mainly responsible for injustice and evil, whose military might was ever a danger to the world -- a nation built on the fruits of greed, rapacity and racism -- have had their effect. The products of this education find nothing strange in a president quick to focus on the theme of American moral failure. He may not share many of their views, but there is, nonetheless, much that they find familiar about him.

Contiuing on his rampage of destruction Obama...:

Now, on the heels of those travels, comes his release of the guidelines known as "torture memos" -- a decision designed to emphasize, again, the superior ethical and moral leadership the world can expect from this administration as compared with that of presidencies past. This exercise in comparisons is one of which Mr. Obama may well never tire.

The memos' publication had its consequences, most of them intentional. First, declaring his intention to have a forward-looking administration, the president had, to his credit, announced that there would be no trials of CIA personnel involved in the interrogations of terrorists.

We know for a fact that those interrogation techniques led to stopping a major attack on LA. LA residents should rejoice for these new neo-ethical wish worshipping policies of the Obama administration because if they had been in effect many lives would have been lost (not might have been lost)in a 9/11 style attack on LA…You can sleep secure in your beds at night now folks. Obama will hug our enemies into submission. How well did that work for Jimmy Carter?

Here is where she hits the nail on the head and exposes the fallacy behind the Obama administration's soft policy:
…Any number of people listening to Mr. Emanuel -- those acquainted with terror's recent history, at any rate -- would have recalled, instantly, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the attack on the USS Cole, and the rest of the unending chain of terror assaults mounted against Americans long before anyone had ever heard of enhanced interrogation techniques.

Anyway, this shouldn’t surprise anyone, since Obama’s early days his political conscious was molded in the same vein as his Kenyan father’s anticolonial resentment when he [Barrack Obama] identified himself with Franz Fannon the revolutionary anticolonialist. Obama's life from cradle to the Presidency has been uninterrupted American resentment from Uncle Frank Davis to Jeremiah Wright.

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